G Suite video tutorial

The second part of the G Suite tutorial videos for GAM

In this video it is not GAM or G Suite talk. It is a very quick crash course for Windows CLI cmd.exe. GAM is a command-line tool, so some basic knowledge is required before we go on with the series.

In this video I talk about the following points:

  1. What is cmd.exe or Windows command line.
  2. How to access and launch cmd.exe
  3. Some basic operations.
  4. Navigating directories in cmd.exe.
  5. Executing scripts and batches in cmd.exe.
  6. Passing scripts output to a text file or CSV file.
  7. Accessing or editing text files through cmd.exe.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niNZQBMWgHg&w=560&h=315]


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G Suite video tutorial

Video 3 of the tutorial series for G Suite Password Sync

In this third and final video of the series I will talk about troubleshooting topic for G Suite Password Sync.

As known troubleshooting is a critical aspect of anything we have! GSPS offers a lot of resources and information related to troubleshooting. There are a lot of log files that get generated by GSPS, and each log file has its own role and information to show you, the information in these log files are very critical to be able to know if G Suite Password Sync is working properly or not! Because GSPS is a service that runs in the background and you have no interaction with it, it is important that you know how to get the details of what is going on behind the scenes and be able to know what is the problem that is happening … Read the rest “[G Suite tutorials series] G Suite Password Sync (GSPS) 03 Troubleshooting”

G Suite video tutorial

Video 2 of the tutorial series for G Suite Password Sync

In the previous video I had an introduction to GSPS (G Suite Password Sync). I spoke about what is this tool and where to download it. I also covered a list of important and critical notes and requirements that you should have and prepare in order to start using GSPS. What we have left is the part where I show you how to setup and configure the tool. Then a quick video for what you need to do in order to troubleshoot and find the logs of this tool.

In this second video of the series I will install, configure, and test the G Suite Password Sync (GSPS) tool. I will cover the 2 types of the authentication methods, and also I’ll demonstrate both methods for you.

Then will do a quick demo for resetting a user password through … Read the rest “G Suite tutorials – G Suite Password Sync (GSPS) 02 Setup, configure, and test”

G Suite video tutorial

This is part of the G Suite Tutorials video series that I just started

This is the first of multi-video series that will cover the tool GAM.

GAM is a great tool that can help you in many great ways managing your Google G Suite domain and admin console.
I’m going to cover the steps required from the download and authorization with the admin console. Then I’ll give you a lot of examples and scenarios for GAM uses.

This is the first video and I will talk about a little introduction to GAM, what is it, where you can download it, and the support and resources available for it.

Next video will be about the very basics of Windows CMD (CMD 101) which you will need to know about in order to properly use GAM

The topic of showing the usage and scenarios of GAM will be made into multiple … Read the rest “G Suite tutorials series – Tutorial for GAM 01 Introduction”