Gmail and Google Vault

The notes and considerations about Gmail and Google Vault are a lot! And I have done my best to make sure I cover the important notes and considerations.

You will see the links and resources from where I have got the notes, so you can also get more insights and expand more into the other points that I haven’t mentioned here…

Types of attachments that are indexed

Compatible text-based attachment file types (for example, files with .pdf, .xslx, and .docx extensions) are indexed for search. However, Vault doesn’t index video, audio, image, and binary content.

Large messages and attachments

Vault indexes and searches approximately the first megabyte of a message and any attachments. If Vault finds a match, it searches the rest of the data and makes it available for preview and export.

System-generated Gmail labels may affect search results:

Gmail uses labels to organize messages in user inboxes. … Read the rest “Gmail and Google Vault – Important Notes”